Alternative Career Paths Success Stories (ACPSS) is a signature series created by HirePhD. This talk series aims to help people with advanced degree explore career paths outside of academia.
Each month, ACPSS features one speaker or a group of speakers who came from the same company who found their footings in a career outside of academia. ACPSS speakers share their journeys from academia to various career paths, the challenges they faced, and how they overcome them.
Since 2021, the ACPSS series have featured many popular, interesting or unexpected career paths options, including policy, non-profits, pharmaceuticals, public office, consulting, entertainment/creative industries, government sectors, data science, and more!
Since 2021, the ACPSS series have featured many popular, interesting or unexpected career paths options, including policy, non-profits, pharmaceuticals, public office, consulting, entertainment/creative industries, government sectors, data science, and more!
In response to popular demands, ACPSS Events have moved to Youtube!
Subscribe to our channel for more videos here @hirephdcareersociety
Past Events